Beer. It's not called a party without any alcohols involved. yea .. haha... But thats not mine. I dont drink. My dad was sitting next to me. &.&
Huh... okay. that's all about the Barbeque gathering. =)
and one more thing,.. i have always been reading people's blogs especially those who i ever encounter such as those in my Uni. and some of them are not even my friends nor acquaintance but somehow i just know them laaa. haha. I very observant wan. wink*
Anyhoo, when i get to bump on them at sch or anywhere else, i feel kinda weird as i know so much about that person but he or she doesnt know that i do... -.- and worst still, if that fella happen to be a total contrast with the way he or she express themselves in their blogs. They may look really really decent in real life but in their blogs, you can see their other sides. Just like DR. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde. *.* haha.. Just some random thoughts that pop up in my mind when i decide to end this not-so interesting post. Berzzzz...
p/s: The Berzzzz syndrome of mine is not over yet. I'll go berzzz everywhere in campus again tomorrow. Watch out for the annoying bee.
Tune on: Nobody's Home by AVril Lavigne (so so lost... but my picture seem more like day dreaming, aye? =p)
Nights peeps. =_= sleeping is the best solution to any problems around. But i do learn that i gotta move on and face watever that comes in my life.. NO point complaining about them. Take it and deal with it. Right?
blahhhh. I know i sound like aunty. I know that too well. >.<
Julia I am who i am. Deal with it. and im super effing clear with my own acts.
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