Sorry for the hiatus.
Not that im all busy and occupied but I know it took me a long time to update, no? =S
hmm...honestly, i cant seem to figure out anything much to blog about at the mean time as Im occupied with things not interesting enough to you know, share with you guys. ..... so i choose to MIA-ed. LOL
but then.....
you know what? I have shitloads of stuffs to deal with now but instead of trying to accomplish them ( referring to my not moving assignment and also, coming exams.. yada yada...) , I choose to blog instead. =.=
I rather blog than to read those slides. URGHH. terrible twenteen kid, i know. =S
Swinburne student night tomorrow. Anyone going? =D I'll be there! hehehe. well, i hope it's interesting enough to keep me entertained. =P
damn. I'm hungry la omg. why o why??? i thought i ate d. o man.......
okla. end post.back to work babeh.
er... actually more like off to slumberland =X sigh. horrible.
Nights everyone.
listening to: Aqueous Transmission - Incubus *highly recommended song for yoga and also stress relief purpose!! =D