Saturday, October 9, 2010

Local Celebs

Bonjour.. hmm... I'll Rewind back and blog about some highlight events so far before I totally forget about'em all aye . First one, my random outings with friends during Raya break :)

On the way to meet up with the hotties at Kbox in Spring Mall....

Kevin- the banana singer and Jeff -the camera man that recorded all our funny acts and squeky voices.

Confirm I can sing all the songs lah! , says commander Lejong.

Learning chirese?
keep it up, guys! ;)

Light of St Mary shining bright, light of St Mary shining bright..

not that im trying to imply that we're the cream of the school or what back then, It's just that the song came right into my head once I saw this picture.

meet my BFF :)
get your buttbutt back in Kuching asap, prease.

I know I look weird in this pic. :S
Benny = ??

by the way, we are all Local Celebraties, not.

Sushi for dinner right after all the shoutings.


Boy was I slim. *gaze at my double chin in the mirror in horror nao. Temptations are everywhere you see. sigh

After mid sem break, there'll be another mid term assestment test. And overdued reports and not to forget PC model assignment.
Lidis called MID-SEM break. perfect way of enjoying every single moment of it.

In need of some boooooooze perhaps.

fyi, for posting only. not good in drinking at all so please dont ever challenge me or anything lah. heh.

The only Burberry bag that I find attractive, so far... :)
ok. random.

Please bear with my short post and lack of updates. Been through another tough phase of life currently. The last thing I had in my mind was blogging. sigh. But everything happens for a reason, i guess. Can't help but to face them right. gulps*


arghh! wonder why all the words turned out to be underlined like that. cant be bothered to change them already. so much of a lousy blogger. hah. Have fun reading sentences like this? LOL.

1 comment:

Colin said...

TBH, sushi in kuching suck >.<

the real sushi made by the japs are sooo nice. I'm stuck with salmon nigiri everytime I go for a buffet. I can have 11 plates of salmon nigiri.