Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mom's Big day

Last Friday, Mommy celebrated her 52nd at Bla Bla Bla Restaurant together with the Tia Family. I went there straight after revising in uni for my Biochem paper.
Boy was I hungry that time!
Spot the adorable little cute Darren on the left! haha

Lemon Chicken

Eat this and become strong like popeye.
Guess what?
There's a cockroach in it and daddykins ate it! omg. They replaced it with a new dish after that. poor daddy, haha!

Mango ducky. Not as nice as I thought it would be.

bbBrandon, Miss Fanny and meet the zombie me

on the left- the result of lack of sleep and fresh air. pfft.

My favourite vege -Brocolli. But I prefer the ones cooked with crabmeat sauce. :P

Opps. bad photographer I know :S

Thumbs up.
First time trying their Chocolate Cheese Cake and it tasted way better than Secret Recipe's :)

I know I should have blog about this way earlier but then due to Exams and reports, I can't seem to squeeze out any time for this.

ANYWAYS, love you mommy! :) *hope she reads this.

LAstly, girls... WILL YOU FORK OUT YOUR $$$ for these collections? so lovely right *faints*

I know, I know.

I have this pink craze syndrome and with dolly-girly items. I can't help it okaeee



adeh. now i hope she don't notice this post :X

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