Friday, March 6, 2009

Just another random post -)

I went Uni for two-houred class only today then i had the rest of the day free. I know.. i know... am suppose to be glad that i'm STILL so free after new sem starts. smirk

Went to library shortly after that and nearly 3/4 of my coursemates were there too cos oh well, it's a little too early to go home. hehe. Well, we all rot in the library but for sure there are quite a number of them such as Siok Da jie and Jess and Chang them who spent their time there doing our first assignment laaa. heh.

And guess what me and Miss S.BOng were doing? *o*

We drag our chairs and proudly sat behind both the ladies (siok and jess) and watched them do their works!!! *laziness is unavoiddable sometimes but the due date is not so soon so i guess should be alright gua to slack a while.....O.o
(ok la.. am not so lazy-la. we were discussing ab0ut the assignment as well actually - self consoling)

It didn't last long though. Both of us left the group and went for lunch at Cafeteria around eleven.
bahaha two hungry horses. Surprisingly, we kinda missed the fast food there.
I know this sounded crazy but yea, we both headed to gym straight after lunch as we didn't know where else to go but we did not do any extreme work outs-la...

When a person is bored, time passes real slow ho...? tick tock tick tock tick tock..


O boy. I am so gonna seh-ko this weekend.. I just found out that Monday is a public holiday. T________T
No class so no gym so no plan so continue the rotting and slacking process. =='

lol. by the way, Shirley just phoned me and we had decided to go for gym on Monday after class around 3 but it turns out to be a public hol.. both same gang.. super blurr but phew~ luckily i notice that now.

Tune On: DEad and Gone by T.I and J.T
nice song.. lovin it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cold Cold Night

I'm updating my blog again. Yippee!!! Fore THREE days in a row. Can't believe i'm so into blogging, or maybe i'm not. It's just i have nothing else that i wish to do right now. hoh.
Guess how i spend my off day today? heheh... very the unique way i have to say.

I have been sleeping the whole day!!!! hell yea.. the whole day. abuthen of course i did get up a while la... and it's not like i purposely wanna do that. It's just simply because i'm sick.

I catch a cold.. hohoho it started when i was dating with my laptop (again) this morning then i suddenly sneezed like crazy (15 times in a row i think *smirk) then i felt so drowsy so i plop on ma bed and then i dozed off. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
woke up and found out it's 4 pm already. Then i felt like my whole body was aching pretty badly, i can't barely open my Jacob biscuit can. T___________T i can't even stand straight to be exact,
i feel like tumbling down. hoh. Oh well, I have fever. o.o

Remember my previous post where i said : die die also dun wanna die in boredom? okay, now my wish is granted. boredom doesn't haunt me today but sickness does. heh. wtf. crap so much again.
Aiyoooooooo wooo la la. Now i have another problem. I slept the whole day so how am i gonna sleep again tonight??? I don't want to end up staring up the ceiling again and toss and turn around the bed for million timesssssss

mama, please feed me some flu pills so then i can dozed off easily tonight. T____T

Going to gym tomorrow =) but this time going there straight after class. But Miss Shirley said must go for lunch break first (grab somthing light- is there any food in Swin that is considered *light? lol. hopefully she can figure it out tomorrow) She fears that we both might run out of energy and passed out in gym. heh. woo lala.. come to think of it, tomorrow is Thursday. No break for me on Thursday night. Don't mind anyway or else i'll keep complaining about being bored again.

Damn. I'm so energetic now. How am i going to have a goodnight sleep tonight? tell me how T_______________T okay lah. i guess i complain too much d. Please excuse this sick girl although not so sick anymore after consuming aspirins *o*

NO picture today. NO energy to snap any crazy picture of myself. heh. Night.

tune on: Can't make you love me - Britney Spears

Lia ( today brain system corrupted a little)

^^ peep peep

Today, I'm half happy and sad. Sorta like mixture of feelings. Answered Prof. Clem's quetion without hessitating too long (phew~~), went for teh tarik and roti kahwin (weird name but that's the name for toasted bread in Malay i suppose)- which taste great and hav fun listening to my handsome lecturer giving his lecture with his super strong German accent =) ( very nice lecturer indeed as he help us to photocopy our notes and even print out the whole report book for us, meaning we don't need to write our own. yippeee! :)

Headed straight home at 12. Watch CLick by Adam Sandler (funny family movie and yea.. i agree. family do comes first but sometimes it's alright if the man in the house is a little workaholic rather than he's out there somewhere drinking or having some scandals=)

hoh. bored as usual. NO special activity going on so far. Just back to normal student life. But tomorrow i have no class as lab session only start next week. WEEEE

okay, i'm actually not that happy about it. NO class means not going to campus. Not going to Swin means staying at home whole day. Staying at home whole day means boredom will come haunting me again. Seriously, I'm kinda sick with series regardless it's the ang mo ones or Hongkie ones... hoh. nevermind. I sure will find something to do tomorrow. die die also dun wanna die in boredom. ^^

and yea.. it's nearly 1am now. i just break my " MUST SLEEP BEFORE 12am RULE"
nah.. who cares. . going to bed now anyway, feel a little exhausted after a not-so hectic school day. Selamat malam semua.

tune on: Mad - Neyo


Monday, March 2, 2009

1st Day Class

Remember once i said that i don't feel excited at all about it and i find it no big deal? Er... I think i do feel a little though as i can't get myself to sleep last night. bahhh....sweat right? aiyo. >.<

Oh well, met a few new coursemates today, about 5 of them, all from West Malaysia. =)

And met my two new lecturers as well. A German guy called Moritz (hot hunk with cute accent-woolala , abuthen he's married d. lol, just kidding la...) and my Maths lecturer, Miss Esther who would love us to treat her as friend but not some tutor. (Whoa~ as if i dare to go too buddy-buddy with you...)

Anyhoo, today ever since 9am, i had been walking around the campus with my 3 1/2 inch heels on as i need to rush to different classes which is at different locations and to find our books at the new book store as well... and to find S car too to place my baju. hoh~abuthen am okay with that as it's the first day of school and it's not like I'm gonna wear my heels EVERYDAY. =p

Class ends at 3 pm, sharp. erm... felt kinda exhausted but still insisted to stick with my routine which is to go to the gym every Monday, Thursday and Friday.(hope it work though) =) Am currently trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Trying to sleep before 12 every night except weekends and work part time to earn some extra allowance and at the same time spend enough time on my assignments and exams... stuff like that. I hope, i mean i prayyyy that i can do it. nOt so easy though, for a girl like me ( super lazy wan at times, i find it pretty hard to dicipline myself . eg. i can read a page of History text book then sleep for 30 minutes then i get up to read another page and then i go back to sleep AGAIN and then it goes on and on ... heh. )

Tomorrow i gotta wake up at 7 am. ish~~But going home at 12. woohooooo!! but before that have to go over to finance department to settle some payment, gym and tuition fees... tra lalala..... Aih~ this year i guess need to spend more on those micellaneous. (damn it. i never know that my course will need a Graphical calculator. Isn't a normal scientific one good enough d ?? o.o

Everything about $$$, even this year's text b0ok also need to buy the ori copy as it's not worth it to photocopy them. T___T bahhhhhh.....
okay la. Guess i better hit my pillow d. If not, i'll be late for my early class or even turn into a panda.

Tune on: RoC by Beyonce

Liaaaaaaa ********* * today feels a little blurrrrrrrr